

Nokia 600 cancelled?

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Word is going around the blogosphere and Twitter that Nokia might have cancelled the 600. You’ll probably remember it as the previously rumoured Cindy device running Belle that was first noticed on a sheet along with the 500, 700 and 701. It appears though that the 600 won’t be launching any time soon or maybe won’t even launch at all.

One of the first mentions I read about a possible cancellation of the 600 came from DGui. It seemed odd that Nokia would cancel a device that already launched officially, as far as I know that never happened before. Further investigation learns that official youtube video’s of the 600 are either very hard or nowhere to be found and Nokia’s developer website doesn’t seem to have the 600 listed anymore either.

So what happened? We can only guess, maybe it has been pushed back to a later date, maybe there were difficulties with the manufacturing process, maybe there were some last minute faults that came to light or Nokia just pulled the 600 because they felt that the available line up (500/603/700/701) already fills the 600’s slot.

Whatever is the reason, everything indicates that it has been pulled. Should you be bummed by this news? Probably not, the 700 is nearly identical to the 600 in terms of specs. Maybe the 600 would have been cheaper, but I doubt it would be considering the spec similarity.


Category: Nokia

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